Takaro School
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Under 12 and 14 touch is still on.
Under 6/8/10 has been CANCELLED.
As you will be aware the government is looking to cut the lunch in schools programme.
At present we have a lot of leftover lunches due to students not wanting/ eating them.
So we have been asked to reduce our waste = reducing number of lunches ordered.
Can you please speak to your child/children and find out if they DO NOT eat the school lunch. We need to take them off the list, which means you will need to provide kai for them.
Can you please private message this page with your child’s name or comment below. Then they will be removed from the lunch list.
Your support is so appreciated.
Kia ora e te whānau
We need your help for a little bit. We are having some issues with our front gate. The closing system is not working and the gate stays open.
Can we PLEASE ask you to close the gate behind you just to ensure that all our students stay safe.
Your support is most appreciated.
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